January 8, 2011

Today was wonderful

I have not had a full weekend at home for over a month and I savored my Saturday. Yesterday I learned that my favorite local coffee shop is closed. Today, I discovered that the donut shop has pretty great french roast, it's totally unpretentious, and super cheap. It's the kind of place where old men hang out and have debates with one another for hours on end, or parents take their kids as a special treat.

From the donut shop I ventured down to the farmer's market, which I must say is probably the best market in the whole wide world. I am not exaggerating, I am the kind of person who goes online to research when and where the local farmer's market is while on vacation. Today I purchased a mix of greens specifically for stir fry (the recent NY Times article on healthy eating has been wagging its finger at me for my recent meals of chocolate Twizzlers), hearts of palm, citrus fruit for days, pomegranates, Kalamata olives, chanterelles, and some other random nyums nyums. I treated myself to a delicious croissant that is somehow made to taste like a pretzel.

Farmer's Market
This is the sign for the Farmer's Market I visited while in Hawaii. They sold a lot of Spam. I asked where to purchase Spam plants so I could grow some but no one thought I was funny.

In Amsterdam, where I was suckered into buying dragon fruit, which is the spiny stuff on the left. It tastes horrible.

Vancouver, BC, which just may be the most abundant place on Earth. This market is indoors and so awesome I went back. Twice.

I walked home from the market mostly along the main drag, where a t-shirt in a shop window caught my eye. LA Face with an Oakland Bootie. How amazing is that? I need one in my life, that much I know. I met up with one of the legendary dog brothers who guard the used bookstore, which is run by their owner. I can't tell them apart and I can never remember their names, but they have the most dense, fluffy white fur of any animal I've seen. I always wonder if they can even detect when someone pets them. It makes me feel so good to see the familiar faces in my neighborhood, be they human or dog. It reminds me that this really is my home, and that I need to get serious about putting in some roots and stop traveling so often.

I came home and tinkered around. I worked in the garden to spruce it up after my extended time away and the ongoing Winter downpours. I cut down all of the mint, knowing it will be back with a vengeance soon enough. I had this great idea to cook the mint on the stove in a huge pot of water as a kind of aromatherapy humidifier combination. It smells so nice, clean, and exhilarating in the apartment now!

Jess and I did a little thrift shopping and both of us scored. I got a black cropped sweater that's a blend of cotton and cashmere (all about the natural fibers) for $3. Maybe I'll post a photo like the fashion bloggers do. Next we went to our new favorite place, the spa with the private steam rooms, saunas, and hot tubs. We steamed together and had a great time clearing our pores and sinuses while laying on the warm marble benches, guffawing it up all the while. Not a bad way to spend $11.

Afterward, I treated myself to a massage at the same place and it wasn't anything to write home about. The woman basically lotioned my body with a tad bit more exertion than I would have myself. Thankfully I'm headed to Venice next weekend and you know what that means? A Thai woman will be walking on my back and causing me much pain with unforgiving pressure put forth by her inevitably tiny hands. I can't motherfucking wait.