June 3, 2008

Life is too easy for me

I just remembered something that happened more than a year ago, which hasn’t passed my mind in quite some time. It was during a particularly tumultuous time between Israel and Lebanon...the war that lasted there for about one month. I came into work one morning, and my colleague loaded his machine, and opened an IE browser. Terrorists had hacked into our company website, which luckily was set as his home page.

The website was covered with photos of Beirut in ruins, and the bodies of people, civilians, children that has been absolutely torn to shreds as a result of the fighting. I was transfixed, and it took me longer than I would have liked to close my screen that I had opened once I was aware of what had happened. Eerie, haunting music played, and the words that were written looked like they were in blood. There were many claims about the United State’s allegiance to Israel.

I don’t know what my opinion is on Israel and whether it should exist as a country. I’m honestly not educated on the topic, but my ignorant self feels like it’s not a fair deal for the Palestinians.

The one thing that I do know is that I feel extremely lucky to only have fleeting thoughts related to what is going on in that part of the world, or any place outside of the cushy confines of my happy, pleasant life. Of course there is a part of me that feels guilty for not suffering, or irresponsible for not dedicating my life to make everything, everywhere, better, but dwelling on that isn’t beneficial to anyone.